Valencia Marathon 2024 Course: Analysis, Key Sections and Updates

Valencia Marathon 2024 Course: Analysis, Key Sections and Updates

Última actualización el 13 de September de 2024 a las 09:43

Valencia will host the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Marathon, one of the most anticipated events in the athletics calendar, on Sunday, December 1st. With a course designed for runners looking to achieve their personal best, this marathon is known for being fast, flat, and with few curves. Although this year’s modifications are minimal, as is often the case, the course is always adjusted to optimize speed.

In this article, we will analyze each section of the course, from the start to the thrilling finish at the City of Arts and Sciences, highlighting its new features, the key moments to maintain pace or recover energy, and the best spots for crowd support. Ready to explore?

The Fastest Course in the World?

The Valencia Marathon is known for being one of the fastest marathons in the world. Its flat course and wide avenues allow runners to maintain a steady pace. Additionally, the timing of the event ensures ideal temperatures, ranging between 12 and 17 degrees Celsius, which further favors achieving personal bests. It’s no surprise that every year, Valencia attracts elite runners aiming to break world records.

2024 Course: Minimal Changes, Maximum Speed

The 2024 Valencia Marathon course remains largely unchanged from previous editions, with only minor adjustments in a few areas. One of the most notable changes occurs at kilometer 7, where construction at the El Cabanyal station has forced a modification to the turn from Avenida de los Naranjos towards Ramón Llull. These subtle changes still ensure a fast and efficient course.

Another minor alteration is at kilometer 11, where the stretch along Avenida Alfahuir has been extended slightly to incorporate a new turn, optimizing the route. Runners will also notice small adjustments at kilometers 18 and 24, though these changes don’t affect the flat and speedy nature of the race.

Start – Up to Kilometer 5: Heading Towards the Sea

The start of the Valencia Marathon is undoubtedly one of the most exciting moments of the race. From Plaça de la Marató, runners take off across the iconic bridge, a stretch that leaves everyone breathless with its architectural beauty. From there, they head towards Alameda, where the energy of the crowd provides a big boost for tackling the early kilometers.

As the race progresses, the route moves towards the seaside façade. This year, a slight adjustment at kilometer 3 is designed to protect runners from the sea breeze by shifting the course slightly inland. After this small tweak, runners approach the university area, with flat terrain and no surprises.

Kilometers 5-11: University Circuit and Long Straights

After the initial excitement of the start, this stretch is crucial for settling into a steady rhythm. Between kilometers 5 and 11, runners face long straight sections, where focus is key. Avenida de los Naranjos is one of the longest avenues in this part of the course, ideal for maintaining pace.

This part of the course is spacious, surrounded by university buildings that, while not architecturally notable, provide an open environment that helps keep the race flowing smoothly. The crowd support along this section also helps the kilometers go by quickly.

Kilometers 11-15: Building Confidence on the Northern Ring

As runners move towards kilometer 11, they enter the northern ring road of Valencia. This is a stretch where the elevation hardly changes, though a slight, almost imperceptible incline can be felt. The key here is to maintain confidence and resist the temptation to push too hard.

The race organizers have carefully planned the route, guiding runners through areas that minimize wind exposure. After passing the Levante UD stadium, a long straight on Botánico Cavanilles Street challenges runners but shouldn’t pose a problem if they’ve maintained their rhythm.

Kilometers 15-21: Adrenaline and Energy in Alameda

Reaching Alameda at kilometer 15 is a key moment in the race. The crowd’s proximity, along with the cheering and music, injects an essential dose of energy into the runners. This section also includes a small descent, allowing runners to recover or even gain a few precious seconds.

At this point, it’s important to stay calm and avoid getting carried away by the excitement. The curve from Alameda to Avenida de Aragón is a spot to savor the atmosphere but remain mindful that there is still a long way to go. From here, the course heads into the seaside neighborhood of El Cabanyal, a perfect prelude to the halfway point of the marathon.

Kilometers 21-25: Focus and Calm Before the Crucial Section

After passing the halfway point, the next section is a transition period. Here, runners cross Avenida del Puerto and Menorca Street again. It’s a moment to check that the pace is still steady and avoid getting too emotional too soon. This section is simple but serves as mental preparation for what’s to come.

The crowd support continues, helping these kilometers pass quickly before returning to Alameda.

Kilometers 25-30: The Charm of the Historic Center

One of the highlights of the Valencia Marathon course is the stretch through the historic center, which begins around kilometer 27. After crossing the Turia River and admiring the Torres de Serrano, runners enter Calle de la Paz, where they can feel the city’s history surrounding them.

The atmosphere in this part of the course is incredible, with the streets of the old town packed with cheering spectators. The run through Plaza del Ayuntamiento and Calle San Vicente gives runners a burst of energy as they prepare for the most demanding part of the race.

Kilometers 30-38: The Moment of Truth

This is the stretch where the marathon truly begins. While Valencia is known for being a flat city, in these kilometers, runners encounter slight inclines that can test their strength. After crossing the Turia River again and passing landmarks like the Bioparc, it’s crucial to maintain focus.

This is where months of preparation come into play. Keeping the pace and resisting fatigue is key to arriving at kilometer 38 in good shape, where the final stretch begins.

Kilometer 39 – The Final Stretch: Glory Awaits at the City of Arts and Sciences

At this point in the race, your legs will feel heavy, and fatigue will start to set in, but the crowd’s energy and the electrifying atmosphere in Valencia will help you push forward. As you reach kilometer 39, the most thrilling part of the marathon begins, with thousands of spectators cheering every runner towards the City of Arts and Sciences. This section is pure spectacle and will carry you to the finish line.

Once you reach the City of Arts and Sciences, prepare for an unforgettable experience. This area, the epicenter of the event, transforms into a vibrant celebration of color and excitement. The famous finish line, with its blue carpet and water on either side, is the stage where the 42,195 kilometers of effort come to an end. Here, every runner feels like a star, crossing the finish line to cheers and applause from the crowd.

Also keep in mind:

Are you wondering how to plan your day so you don’t miss a moment? In our article about the start time of the Valencia Marathon, you can find out when the race kicks off, and we also let you know what time the Valencia Marathon ends, so you won’t miss the arrival of the champions and the popular runners. Additionally, if you want to enjoy the festive atmosphere along the course, we recommend reading about the atmosphere and animation during the race, where you’ll discover the best spots to experience the excitement.

For those planning to attend the event, knowing where the Valencia Marathon starts and learning all the details about the finish area of the Valencia Marathon will help you plan the best strategy for enjoying the day. And if you prefer to watch the runners from various points along the course, don’t forget to check out our article on where to watch the Valencia Marathon, where you’ll find the best spots to cheer on the athletes.

Valencia awaits you for a unique experience, whether you’re running or part of the crowd. Don’t miss out!

👉 And remember that on our website you have the complete guide to the Valencia Marathon with all the information so that runners and companions can live a unique and unforgettable experience in Valencia.

Sobre el Autor:
Mired S. Foto de perfil

Mired is a journalist passionate about sports and a critic specialized in large-scale events, who collaborates with our website to offer a unique perspective on the world’s most important races. Known for her ability to spot key details across multiple websites and her deep knowledge of the Valencia Marathon and Half Marathon, Mired combines detailed analysis with a fresh narrative that reflects her expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. Follow her posts to stay up to date with the latest news in the world of running and sports events in Valencia.

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